Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Australian scientists have announced the discovery not only of a new species of crocodile - but also that its last meal may have been a dinosaur.

Helplines have been set up for concerned patients, parents and guardians following the arrest of a doctor on suspicion of sexual assault.

For those in the UK, western Europe and the United States who take comfort in the fact that an escalating crisis with Russia over Ukraine is blissfully far away - think again.

Rapper Kodak Black has been shot outside a restaurant in West Hollywood that was hosting a party following a Justin Bieber concert, according to reports.

New Zealand authorities have turned to the music of James Blunt in their latest musical effort to move protesters camped outside parliament.

The world's highest anti-doping authority has said it will investigate the entourage of 15-year-old Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva.

For those in the UK, western Europe and the United States who take comfort in the fact that an escalating crisis with Russia over Ukraine is blissfully far away - think again.

Members of NATO will not tolerate the "bullying" of Ukraine by Russia but still seek a diplomatic solution amid rising tensions at the border, Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis has said.

New Zealand authorities have turned to the music of James Blunt in their latest musical effort to move protesters camped outside parliament.

Members of NATO will not tolerate the "bullying" of Ukraine by Russia but still seek a diplomatic solution amid rising tensions at the border, Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis has said.


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