Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A Russian teen accused of doping has been cleared to compete in figure skating at the Winter Olympics - but there will be no medal ceremony if she finishes in the top three this week.

A Russian teen accused of doping has been cleared to compete in figure skating at the Winter Olympics - but there will be no medal ceremony for her victory last week.

The average UK petrol price has surpassed 148p for the first time, new figures have revealed.

Markets around the world have been rattled by fears that a Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent, dealing a further blow to investors already nervous about rising inflation.

The most extreme "rogue wave" on record has just been confirmed in the North Pacific Ocean.

Customs officials have seized three non-fungible tokens (NFTS) in what is believed to be the first law enforcement action in the UK involving the digital asset.

The NFL has denied reports that it was attempting to stop Eminem from taking a knee during the Super Bowl half-time show.

The long-awaited Lord Of The Rings show on Amazon Prime Video has its first full trailer, after the streaming giant released the footage during the Super Bowl.

Schools in southern India that were closed following protests over female students not being allowed to wear hijabs or burkas have reopened a week later.

A victory for his team in the Super Bowl was not enough for one Los Angeles Rams player on Sunday who surprised his girlfriend by getting down on one knee to propose.


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