Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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The second Old Firm clash of the season on January 2 could be played in front of just 500 fans after the Scottish government announced new restrictions in a bid to tackle the spread of the Omicron variant, prompting Celtic to request the winter break to be brought forward.

Venus could be becoming "more habitable" after evidence of bacterial "lifeforms" were found in its clouds, scientists have said.

Liverpool assistant manager Pep Lijnders has called for improvements to the way VAR operates and suggested the same team of officials should be used throughout the season for better consistency.

Liverpool assistant manager Pep Lijnders has called for improvements to the way VAR operates and suggested the same team of officials should be used throughout the season for better consistency.

Savannah Marshall insists Claressa Shields does not get "under her skin" - and says their dream match-up is "on track" for next year.

A rare baby white rhino born at a UK zoo has been hailed as a "little miracle".

A port worker and six others were arrested after 1.2 tonnes of cocaine was found hidden in a banana shipment.

Manchester United's players have begun a "staggered" return to training following a coronavirus outbreak at their Carrington training ground which saw the facility closed.

Rishi Sunak has announced an additional £1bn in financial support for the hospitality and leisure sectors, with every business able to claim a one-off cash grant of £6,000.

Police have launched an urgent appeal to find a missing 20-year-old student who vanished after a night out in London.


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