Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron have agreed that countries on NATO's eastern flank must be "fully defended against malicious Russian activity".

A Middlesborough supporter has been arrested after leaving his 11-year-old son alone in a hotel room in Manchester while he went out drinking to celebrate the team's surprise FA Cup win.

Australia's deputy prime minister has kept his job after calling Prime Minister Scott Morrison a "liar" and a "hypocrite" in a text message last year.

Four bodies have been found after a small plane crashed into a lake in Iceland.

The Queen has met a former cookery school student who helped create coronation chicken - the dish indelibly linked to the start of her seven decade-long reign.

The Queen has met a former cookery school student who helped create coronation chicken - the dish indelibly linked to the start of her seven decade-long reign.

Joe Rogan has apologised after footage emerged of him repeatedly using the n-word on his podcast show.

Manchester United forward Anthony Elanga was subjected to racist abuse on social media after he missed a penalty in his side's FA Cup defeat last night.

Jimmy Carr has been condemned for making a "truly disturbing" joke about the travelling community and the Holocaust.

A mother is pleading for the return of the urn containing her daughter's ashes after it was stolen from her house in Birmingham on Friday.


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