Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Vast numbers of Brits are still working from home, despite being free to go back to the office since the government repealed its advice to work remotely nearly a month ago.

Geopolitcs expert Matt Oresman speaks to Saima Mohsin (who steps in for Ian King) about how stocks and oil prices have been affected by concerns that Russia could invade Ukraine without warning.

The first witness at the inquiry into the Post Office computer glitch scandal broke down in tears as he explained how he went from facing down armed robbers in his shop to noticing money was going missing.

Ukraine has insisted it still wants to be a member of NATO following confusion it might drop its calls in exchange for peace with Russia.

A doctor who worked for Manchester City died after falling 100 metres from a mountain where he had proposed to his wife 27 years earlier.

A 79-year-old Ukrainian woman is among those training to defend her country, as Russian troops hover just over the border.

Coleen Rooney has lost a bid to bring a High Court claim against Rebekah Vardy's agent as part of a legal battle between the footballers' wives over an online post.

A Metropolitan Police commander who wrote the force's current drug strategy - and oversaw the dismissal of two officers for drug misuse - has been accused of taking cannabis, LSD, and magic mushrooms.

Former Premier League referee Dermot Gallagher dissects the big flashpoints from the weekend's action, with a look at the key decisions in West Ham's 2-2 draw at Leicester and Manchester United's 1-1 draw with Southampton.

The UK is expected to be hit by two storms in the space of three days this week with forecasters warning of 90mph winds across the north of England and Scotland, while some regions could face "blizzard conditions".


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