Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Boris Johnson has urged Russia to "step back" from any military action against Ukraine, pledging that the UK "stands shoulder to shoulder" with Kyiv.

Emergency traffic measures to control congestion at the Port of Dover have already been used as many times this year as in the first six months of 2021 combined, following the introduction of new Brexit border checks.

Nearly £9bn spent by the government on personal protective equipment (PPE) during the coronavirus pandemic has been written off, annual accounts have shown.

Nearly £9bn spent by the government on personal protective equipment (PPE) during the coronavirus pandemic has been written off, annual accounts have shown.

The UK has recorded another 112,458 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, according to official data.

Bill Cosby's lawyers have urged the US Supreme Court to reject an attempt to revive his criminal sexual assault case.

Manchester United footballer Mason Greenwood has been further arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and threats to kill.

Claressa Shields says that men “get dropped” by her in sparring and she rarely spars with women because “I mess them up”.

Police in Bradford have been deploying undercover female officers to catch men shouting at and harassing women from their cars.

Premier League clubs spent more than four times as much money during the January transfer window than in the same period a year ago, when COVID rules hit revenues hard, according to a closely-watched report.


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