Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A two-year-old girl has been found dead in a back garden after being reported missing.

Marks and Spencer and Aldi have reached a settlement in a copyright dispute over the design of their caterpillar cakes.

People in the North and the Midlands have been "overlooked and undervalued for years by politicians", a minister has told Sky News.

People in the North and the Midlands have been "overlooked and undervalued for years by politicians", a minister has told Sky News.

People in the North and the Midlands have been "overlooked and undervalued for years by politicians", a minister has told Sky News.

Chinese spying in the US has become so widespread the FBI is launching an average of two counterintelligence investigations a day to challenge the activity, the director of the bureau has said, accusing Beijing of launching hacking operations and stealing American innovations.

Google owner Alphabet defied the gloom surrounding the tech sector as its surging internet ad business helped it deliver better than expected results.

MPs have warned of an "alarming" growth in fraud in the UK and suggested online giants including Facebook and Google should pay compensation to people duped by scammers operating on their sites.

Ahead of the Winter Olympics, Beijing has been a fortress.


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