Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Downing Street has refused to comment on new reports that reveal details of lockdown parties Boris Johnson is alleged to have attended.

Downing Street has refused to comment on reports that Boris Johnson attended more lockdown parties than previously thought.

Boris Johnson has urged Russia to "step back" from any military action against Ukraine, saying the UK "stands shoulder to shoulder" with Kyiv - but Russia has blamed the US for escalating tensions.

Adele has announced she will perform at the Brit Awards next Tuesday.

Getting rid of animal agriculture and planting trees on the empty fields is our "best and most immediate chance" to slow climate change, according to two prominent vegan scientists.

A driver who knocked down a knife attacker with his car in a desperate attempt to stop him killing a mother-of-two has been released without charge.

The chairman of Openreach, BT Group's broadband infrastructure arm, has pulled out of the race to head Ofcom, the media regulator.

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang says it "hurts" to leave Arsenal "without a real goodbye" after he left the club by mutual consent ahead of his move to Barcelona on a free transfer.

A fire has broken out near a London Undergrond station.

Jimmy Savile's victims have called on Boris Johnson to "straight away" withdraw his discredited claim that Sir Keir Starmer failed to prosecute the sex offender.


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