Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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There are many unknowns in the Russia-Ukraine situation.

Cholesterol-busting drugs taken by millions of people in the UK have far fewer side-effects than people think, a large study has suggested.

A Boohoo advert has been banned following complaints it was "sexually suggestive" and "irresponsible".

At least seven fishermen from a Spanish trawler have died and three rescued from a life raft after their boat sank off the Canadian coast.

Strong winds of up to 90mph brought by Storm Dudley could pose a danger to life on Wednesday, forecasters have warned.

Journalist and political satirist PJ O'Rourke, has died.

A six-year-old girl missing for two years has been found in a secret room under a staircase.

UK volunteers are to be among the first in the world to test a new Omicron-specific COVID vaccine.

England and Manchester City right-back Lucy Bronze is determined to put a "frustrating" period behind her and get back to her best after recovering from knee surgery.

A patient who died from Lassa fever last week was a newborn baby, according to reports.


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