Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Sir Nick Clegg has been given a promotion at Facebook owner Meta, elevating him to the most senior echelon of the social media titan’s management team.

Hong Kong may test a million people each day, local media has reported, as the city struggles to contain its omicron wave.

A swimmer who was fatally mauled by a shark off the coast of Sydney has been named as a 35-year-old British expat.

The golden visa scheme many Russian oligarchs use to live in the UK will be closed as soon as this week, Sky News understands.

Teachers should avoid partisan support on issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Black Lives Matter movement and NHS reform when in classrooms, according to new guidance published by the government.

Marcus Rashford has hit out at claims that he is among a group of Manchester United players "irritated” by Cristiano Ronaldo's attempts to lead the dressing room with his own clique.

Thirteen women and girls have died while singing and dancing at a wedding after a concrete slab covering an abandoned village well collapsed under their weight.

The West "blinked" and did not understand troops needed to be on the ground in Ukraine earlier this year and sanctions will only push Russia towards China, the chair of the defence committee has told Sky News.

One of Britain's most successful telecoms entrepreneurs has pulled off his latest transformational deal with the £210m purchase of rival XLN Telecom.

Several Sydney beaches - including the iconic Bondi and Bronte - have been closed as officials hunt for a shark that attacked and killed a swimmer.


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