Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Jack Monroe has praised Asda for cutting the cost of products in its Smartprice range - and making them more widely available.

Boris Johnson is making his first visit to Scotland since the leader of the Scottish Conservatives called for him to quit over the Downing Street partygate allegations.

Bertrand Augustin's barber studio has always been a space to talk, but recently, one topic has become particularly important: cancer.

The Super Bowl is one of the most watched sporting events, not just in the US, but across the world, drawing millions of fans every year.

Medicinal cannabis users are turning to illicit markets because of expensive prescriptions - with some living in fear of criminal action from the police.

A tense standoff between protesters and police appears to have eased at a vital bridge linking the US and Canada - but demonstrations linked to the "Freedom Convoy" movement have swelled elsewhere.

A zoo in Devon has begun cryogenically freezing genetic samples of some of its most endangered animals in a bid to save them from extinction. 

The defence secretary has warned it is "highly likely" that Vladimir Putin will order an attack on Ukraine, despite ongoing talks to avert a war.

Boris Johnson is making his first visit to Scotland since the leader of the Scottish Conservatives called for him to quit over Downing Street partygate allegations.

Seven people were rescued after a mezzanine floor collapsed at an east London bar.


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