Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A rugby player who was seriously injured while scoring a try during a match has died in hospital, Evesham Rugby Club confirmed on Sunday.

Boris Johnson will hold talks with world leaders this week in an attempt to bring Russia "back from the brink" of war, as the Ukraine crisis enters a "critical juncture".

A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 48-year-old patient died following a fight at a hospital.

Survivors of the worst fire disaster in the history of the Irish state have called for a new inquest to begin without delay.

Canadian police made arrests and cleared protesters and vehicles that had blocked a vital trade route on the border with the US for six days, before it was announced the bridge will reopen to traffic later on Sunday.

A British man has explained why he was not going to leave his home in Kyiv this weekend, despite the UK government warning people to leave.

Amazon and Spotify are considering rival takeover approaches for Audioboom, the London-listed podcasting group which has seen revenues and its share price surge during the pandemic.

The Metropolitan Police is investigating death threats against Sir Keir Starmer following Boris Johnson's use of the discredited claim that the Labour leader failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile when he was director of public prosecutions.

The Minsk agreements - named about the capital of Belarus where they were signed in 2014 and 2015 - attempt to secure a ceasefire between the Ukrainian government and Russia-backed separatists in the east of Ukraine.

Energy distributor Northern Powergrid has apologised to dozens of customers after accidentally issuing them with Storm Arwen compensation cheques for £2.3 trillion.


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