Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Four teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 20-year-old man was stabbed to death near Manchester.

The dean of one of Oxford University's oldest colleges has agreed to step down, after he reached a settlement agreement with the institution to bring an end to a three-year legal battle.

Downing Street is in talks with Macquarie Group, the Australian lender, to secure a headline-grabbing £10bn investment in British infrastructure that would represent one of the largest-ever such commitments by an overseas company.

Rescuers have said they are edging nearer to a five-year-old child who has been trapped in a well in Morocco for four days, despite unstable soil affecting their efforts.

An urn containing the ashes of a stillborn child was stolen during a burglary at a house in Birmingham. 

Nadine Dorries has insisted that 97% of Tory MPs support Boris Johnson as the prime minister was hit with a further call to resign.

Manchester United winger Anthony Elanga was subjected to online racist abuse after the FA Cup penalty shootout loss to Middlesbrough on Friday.

An investigation has been ordered after the world's second-biggest trawler shed more than 100,000 dead fish into the Atlantic, sparking claims they were dumped deliberately.

Former US vice president Mike Pence has dismissed claims made by Donald Trump that he could have overturned the result of the 2020 election.

The race is on to save a five-year-old boy who has been stuck inside a well for the last four nights.


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