Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Ivan Reitman, the influential filmmaker and producer behind Ghostbusters, has died aged 75.

Bombs will drop on Ukraine within minutes of Vladimir Putin giving the order, the armed forces minister has warned.

Sky Sports pundit Gary Neville gives a damning reaction to Manchester United's latest setback in the Premier League following the 1-1 draw at home to Southampton.

Hong Kong is being overwhelmed by an "onslaught" of COVID infections as a fifth wave of the virus pushes the city's capacity to its limits.

A Russian teen accused of doping has been cleared to compete in figure skating at the Winter Olympics.

Kamila Valieva has said she is "emotionally tired" after being cleared to continue to compete at the Winter Olympics after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) determined that no provisional suspension should be imposed.

The number of people waiting for a heart transplant has gone up 85% in the last decade – and not enough organ donors are making their wishes clear to their family, the NHS has said.

Jurgen Klopp saluted the efforts of his Liverpool players after they dodged a "banana skin" at Burnley to maintain their pursuit of Manchester City.

The same story is remembered very differently but, 17 years later, recollected with equal venom by both fighters.


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