Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Saima Mohsin (who steps in for Ian King) speaks to the boss of job site Reed, as wage growth in the UK struggles to keep up with increasing inflation. She'll also hear how record fuel prices are having an impact on industry and will find out more about the world's first virtual fashion week.

A million adults in the UK went an entire day without food last month as the cost of living rises, data reveals.

The Met Police have said that an item was "found not to be suspicious" after four bridges were closed in the capital and some roads shut.

Big banks are channelling billions into the coal industry in spite of their own net zero targets, according to a new report from a group of 28 environmental campaign groups.

The latest official figures for employee earnings confirm what workers have known for some time: even for those whose wages have gone up, the money is not going as far.

Kanye West and Julia Fox have split up, representatives for the actress have confirmed.

The laws of physics demand that we cannot see through a black hole's event horizon; it is fundamentally impenetrable. Even light cannot escape it.

Donald Trump has encouraged France's far-right presidential candidate to continue with his campaign and "stay courageous".

North Korea's nuclear test site has been struck by a series of small, natural earthquakes, South Korea has said.

Ten years ago Rangers fans suffered heartache on Valentine's Day as the club were placed into administration.


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