Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A British man working in Afghanistan has reportedly been detained by the Taliban after he went missing.

A fire on-board a ferry has killed at least 39 people and injured 72 in Bangladesh, officials have said.

Christmas holiday plans are being abandoned as European nations impose new, tougher restrictions on visitors from the United Kingdom.

The university spin-out venture chaired by Lord O'Neill, the former Treasury minister and Goldman Sachs economist, has secured backing from a syndicate of City investment giants.

An estimated 1.7 million people had coronavirus across the UK last week, the highest number since comparable records began last year, new figures suggest.

The government will "look at all the data we have available" on Monday before making a decision on post-Christmas coronavirus restrictions in England, a senior government adviser has said.

Everton's Boxing Day match at Burnley has been postponed due to Covid-19 cases and injuries at the Merseyside club.

A 14-year-old girl has been shot and killed in a Los Angeles clothing shop's dressing room after police opened fire on an assault suspect.

More universities in Hong Kong have removed memorials commemorating those who died in the Tiananmen Square massacre.

It's been another turbulent year as coronavirus and the government's handling of the pandemic dominated the headlines in 2021 - while the Royal Family once again featured heavily.


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