Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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US comedian Bob Saget, who starred in '90s sitcom Full House, has died at the age of 65, police have said.

The programme of events marking The Queen's 70th year on the throne has been revealed by Buckingham Palace.

Ten people have died after a slab of rock broke off a cliff and crashed on to pleasure boaters near a waterfall in Brazil.

A 15-year-old girl has been arrested as part of an investigation in to the murder of a man in Dorset.

At least 19 people, including nine children, have died after a fire tore through an apartment block in New York City.

Danny Dyer, who has played the character of Mick Carter in EastEnders for nearly a decade, will leave the soap later this year, the BBC has confirmed.

Talk of a boycott from this year’s scandal-hit Golden Globes isn’t strictly true suggests the organisation which runs them, which told Sky News it didn’t invite nominated acting talent to take part in this year’s ceremony.

The home of a girl who went missing in 2019 is being searched in New Hampshire after her disappearance was only reported at the end of last year.

At least 19 people, including nine children, have died after a fire tore through an apartment block in New York City.


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