Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Chris Wood will undergo a medical with Newcastle on Wednesday as the striker finalises personal terms for a £25m move from Burnley.

Novak Djokovic has admitted to making an "error of judgement" by attending an interview and photoshoot with a French newspaper after testing positive for Covid-19 last month.

This winter could see a surge in cases of a common young children's illness which can lead to hospital treatment and sometimes even death, a charity has warned.

More than two years since the government announced up to 400 miles of so-called smart motorway would be rolled out across England by 2025, the plan has been shelved.

A quarter of parents admitted they bent rules or "played the system" to increase the likelihood of their child getting a place into their preferred school, a survey suggests.

North Korea has carried out a successful test of a hypersonic missile in a launch attended by leader Kim Jong Un, the country's state media has reported.

In his latest film, Michael B Jordan plays a US solider who, while deployed in Iraq, writes a journal giving advice to his infant son.

Social media influencers should be required to display a logo on digitally-altered photos of people, according to an MP who is calling for new legislation.

Police in Philadelphia say it's a "miracle" all four passengers - including an infant - survived when the helicoper they were travelling in crash landed in a built-up area.

UK households have experienced the biggest slump in their financial wellbeing as a surge in the cost of living takes its toll, a new survey suggests.


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