Kate may be scheduled to attend Trooping the Colour - but that doesn't mean she's going

March 05, 2024

The atmosphere is febrile.

Any perceived new piece of information about the Princess of Wales is immediately spread as news.

This time it's the Ministry of Defence who has fallen down the rabbit hole of putting out something that may not be entirely accurate.

"Trooping the Colour reviewed by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales," reads the website, with details on how you can book tickets.

The problem is if you go you may not see her.

It's not been 100% confirmed that Kate is going, the palace reminding us all that only they tell us exactly what engagements the Prince and Princess of Wales will be attending.

Trooping the Colour isn't one they've confirmed.

In fact, we haven't had anything confirmed for Kate.

In terms of the princess's diary they're not publicly prepared to commit to any events yet because of her abdominal surgery.

Only last week I was told it's still too early to say exactly when she'll be back to royal duties, but in the same breath told we shouldn't read too much into that.

They said all along she won't be back until after Easter and they're sticking with that.

Don't get me wrong, behind the scenes they will still be planning ahead.

That's what they do within the royal household, with engagements blocked out months in advance.

But this latest episode in the saga of when we're going to see her next has exposed another quandary for the palace.

They want to keep control of announcements but with so many other organisations often involved in these national events that's not easy.

Today is a good example.

The palace now finds themselves in a position where they're almost in the realms of saying she hopes to attend, which then fuels further speculation about how unwell she is if they can't confirm an event in June.

Of course, they have a better idea of how Kate is doing than we do.

We were told she continues to be recovering well and there are the photos of her out in the car with her mum Carole.

But ultimately, she's clearly had some major form of surgery and continues to need time to get better.

No one wants to be seen not looking their best or out and about when they're unwell, not least one of the most photographed women in the world.

The Ministry of Defence also it appears may have jumped the gun over the King.

With another part of their website selling tickets for his birthday parade: "Trooping the Colour reviewed by His Majesty the King".

Again, the intention is there for him to attend but it's not been confirmed by Buckingham Palace.

Like Kensington Palace all their planning is also factoring in that things may have to change nearer the time, even though the King today was well enough to meet the Chancellor in person ahead of the Budget.

It's a thing with the Royal Family that they don't want to disappoint anyone by pulling out of an event last minute.

And that's one of the reasons that they're sticking to "less is more" in terms of what they're telling us about future events.

But it's a position that brings its own frustrations, and causes rampant speculation, when the world at the moment just wants to know more.

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