Flamur Beqiri: Hitman Anis Hemissi jailed for minimum of 35 years after shooting dead drugs kingpin in front of wife and child

February 18, 2022

A hitman who shot dead a father in front his wife and child in a drugs gang war has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 35 years.

Anis Hemissi, 24, was part of a team of four killers sent from Sweden to assassinate Flamur Beqiri in the "organised hit".

Hemissi, a Swedish-Tunisian national, donned a number of disguises - including as a litter picker - to carry out reconnaissance ahead of the murder on Christmas Eve 2019.

A trawl through CCTV over the following days allowed detectives to trace him on foot, then by bicycle, to a flat in Oyster Wharf.

He was found guilty of murder and possession of a firearm earlier this month following a trial at Southwark Crown Court.

Fellow Swedish national Estevan Pino-Munizaga, 35, was acquitted of murder but found guilty of an alternative charge of manslaughter and was jailed for 15 years.

Clifford Rollox, 31, from Islington, north London, and Dutch national Claude Isaac Castor, 31, from Sint Maarten in the Caribbean, were each jailed for three years after being found guilty of perverting the course of justice, having been hired locally to clean up and remove evidence, including the gun.

Sentencing Hemissi, Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb called him "a gun for hire", adding: "This was international crime at its most brutal.

"You carried out an audacious execution intended to induce terror in southwest London in those associated with Flamur Beqiri.

"But not only in this city. "The impact was felt thousands of miles away because its origin is in the battle between callous gangs who disregard borders to commit crime, including targeted killings."

Rivalry between two drug gangs

Mr Beqiri, who was the brother of former Real Housewives of Cheshire star Misse Beqiri, was returning home hand-in-hand with his wife Debora Krasniqi and their two-year-old son when he was killed on his doorstep.

During the trial prosecutor, Louise Attrill, said the murder was part of a "a tit-for-tat rivalry between two very significant organised crime groups".

Mr Beqiri and his close friend Naief Adawi, 37, were both kingpins in the Swedish drugs gang run by Daniel Petrovski, 28, who was jailed for five years last June for an aggravated drugs offence.

They were locked in a bloody war with a rival organised crime group headed by Amir Mekky, 24, who was also involved in large-scale trafficking of cocaine and cannabis and arrested in Dubai in June 2020.

Violence between the two gangs, including kidnap and murder, escalated from the middle of 2018 and by the following summer both Adawi and Mr Beqiri had become targets.

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