Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A flying car has been awarded an official certificate of airworthiness after completing 70 hours of rigorous flight testing, its developers have said.

Another TV character has suffered a heart attack at the hands of a Peloton bike - despite the exercise company not giving permission for it to be used.

A lone gunman has shot and injured several people at a university lecture hall in Heidelberg, Germany.

Dominic Cummings has revealed he has provided written evidence to the investigation into Downing Street parties during lockdown - and claims "other damaging stories" will emerge until Boris Johnson is out of office.

A British logistics technology company that has facilitated millions of courier assignments is raising £125m to fund its expansion.

Tom Brady neither confirmed nor denied whether he would still be playing in the NFL next season as he attempted to process the blockbuster finale that saw the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' Super Bowl defence end in defeat to the Los Angeles Rams.

COVID tests for fully vaccinated travellers arriving in England are being scrapped, Boris Johnson has confirmed.

Boris Johnson has said he is taking an allegation from a Conservative MP that she was sacked as a minister because of her Muslim faith "extremely seriously".

The United Arab Emirates has intercepted two ballistic missiles targeting Abu Dhabi, the country’s defence ministry has said.

An actor who played the lead in the Broadway version of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been sacked from his role.


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