Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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A woman has been stabbed to death and a man killed by a car after a struggle apparently ended up in the road.

A lone gunman has shot four people at a university lecture hall in Germany - some of whom are seriously injured.

A lone gunman has opened fire at a university lecture hall in Heidelberg, Germany, injuring four people.

Dominic Cummings has revealed he has provided written evidence to the investigation into Downing Street parties during lockdown - and claims "other damaging stories" will emerge until Boris Johnson is out of office.

A man who took his dead uncle into an Irish post office to claim his pension insists he did not realise he had passed away.

Manchester City manager Gareth Taylor believes the Barclays FA Women's Super League title race is not over after drawing 1-1 with Arsenal on Sunday.

Sky Sports Darts presenter Emma Paton makes her predictions for the 2022 darts season, including her tips for the Premier League and why she thinks there could be a ding-dong battle for the world No 1 spot...

France has passed a new law requiring vaccine passes to be shown in its restaurants, bars, tourist sites and sports venues by everyone, unless they have recently recovered from the virus.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has won the first stage of his Supreme Court bid to appeal against the decision to extradite him to the United States.


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