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We're at County Hall in Beverley, speaking to Councillor Nigel Wilkinson about his role managing the council's finances, and we discuss the outlook for the financial year ahead from April. We cover the role of the council's reserves in managing deficits in social care and children's services, and the forthcoming increase of 4.99% in Council Tax, plus the areas in which spending will be increased.

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Questions over a proposed nuclear waste facility, devolution drop-in events, and lung health checks coming to Hornsea in March all feature in this week's Hornsea Gazette. Hear all about it before you read all about it, as editor Sam Hawcroft joins us for a look at the latest stories in print.

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Hear all about it before you read all about it. Sam Hawcroft previews the new Holderness Gazette, which has plenty of detail on the proposal for a nuclear waste storage facility. The paper has lots of detail this week, including calls from the local MP for a referendum. There's also an update on drop-in events on devolution for Hedon and Withernsea.

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The new Hornsea Gazette is out, and Sam Hawcroft takes us through some of the week's top stories. They include the latest on the nuclear waste disposal facility, and drop-in sessions which have seen a huge amount of interest. Also in the Gazette this week, local bus services, after a group of residents write an open letter to East Riding Buses to state Hornsea has been left out of service improvements.

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Editor Sam Hawcroft tells us what's in print in the new Holderness Gazette. Stories include high interest at drop-in events about a nuclear waste storage facility in South Holderness, and cables being cut at the screening service in Withernsea once again. Buy a paper, and hear all about it before you read all about it.

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Hear all about it before you read all about it! In this week's paper, a new youth facility in Withernsea based on Station Road has great success appealing for donated items of furniture, proposals to demolish the Withernsea bus garage have gone onto the East Riding portal, and a reminder to get a lung check if you're a former or current smoker. Hear all about it before you read all about it, and #buyapaper.

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Seaside FM speaks to Steve Eccles, who is Publicity Officer at York Hospital Radio, as they celebrate 60 years of broadcasting to patients in hospital. We talk about how much technology has changed over the years, although the essential job of the on air team has stayed the same. Have a listen, and congratulations to York Hospital Radio on their milestone anniversary on Friday 26th January.


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