Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Novak Djokovic sparked outrage this week when he revealed he was being exempted from COVID vaccination rules to play in the Australian Open.

Any incursion into Ukraine by Russia would be a "massive strategic mistake" that would "come at a severe cost" to Moscow, the foreign secretary has told MPs.

A person in the South West of England has been confirmed as having contracted bird flu, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has said.

Novak Djokovic will have to wait until Monday to discover whether he can play in the Australian Open after being denied entry to the country over COVID vaccination rules.

US President Joe Biden has marked one year since the 6 January deadly assault on the Capitol by condemning political violence in an address to the nation, as he also hit out at the former president.

The epicentre of the current COVID outbreak has moved from London to the North West of England and more older people are being admitted to hospital, new data reveals.

The Grammys, gigs and more West End shows have become the latest events cancelled or postponed due to rapid spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus.

Boris Johnson has hit out at anti-vaxxers, declaring they are "completely wrong" and spreading "mumbo jumbo" - as the environment secretary said the country would soon get past the peak of Omicron infections.

Hugh Jackman, Billie Eilish, and Jimmy Fallon are among the stars sharing their positive COVID test results to encourage others to get fully vaccinated.

The government is sticking by its decision to increase National Insurance contributions despite Tory disquiet about the impact on taxpayers amid concerns about the rising cost of living, a minister has told Sky News.


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