Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Tom Brady neither confirmed nor denied whether he would still be playing in the NFL next season as he attempted to process the blockbuster finale that saw the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' Super Bowl defence end in defeat to the Los Angeles Rams.

COVID tests for fully vaccinated travellers arriving in England are being scrapped, Boris Johnson has confirmed.

Boris Johnson has said he is taking an allegation from a Conservative MP that she was sacked as a minister because of her Muslim faith "extremely seriously".

The United Arab Emirates has intercepted two ballistic missiles targeting Abu Dhabi, the country’s defence ministry has said.

An actor who played the lead in the Broadway version of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child has been sacked from his role.

Three British women, one of whom has incurable cervical cancer, have shattered the world record for rowing across the Atlantic.

COVID has still got a "long, long way" to go and is "still very serious" despite some optimism the end is in sight in Europe, the World Health Organisation's special envoy on the virus has told Sky News.

A cruise ship carrying hundreds of passengers was supposed to dock in Miami on Saturday, but has instead sailed to the Bahamas to avoid being seized by US authorities.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has won the first stage of his bid to appeal against the decision to extradite him to the United States to the Supreme Court.

Wholesale gas costs have risen sharply while Bitcoin and stock market values have plunged further as tensions over Russia's intentions concerning Ukraine add to a cocktail of worries being juggled by global investors.


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