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Seaside FM

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The US has received credible information that Russia is planning to kill and arrest Ukrainians after an invasion - and already has a list of targets.

At least one river burst its banks overnight and thousands of people were told to leave their homes as Storm Franklin moved in.

Russian frontline commanders have been given orders to begin final preparations for an attack on Ukraine, according to a US official.

The Queen is planning to continue working at Windsor Castle after testing positive for coronavirus.

Boris Johnson is expected to announce how England will "live with COVID" today as he considers dropping all remaining restrictions, Downing Street said.

Knocking the concrete with his hand, a volunteer security officer said he believed the walls in the basement of a tower block in Kyiv were solid enough to absorb the impact of a missile.

Donald Trump is set to make a social media comeback this week with the launch of his new app Truth Social, after the former United States president was last year booted off mainstream platforms.

A 71-year-old woman has died in Manchester after she was hit by a car that was being chased by police.

Music entrepreneur and YouTube star Jamal Edwards has died aged 31.

Boris Johnson is expected to announce how England will "live with COVID" on Monday as he considers dropping all remaining restrictions, Downing Street said.


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