Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for Sam Morgan, 20, who recently put together 60 hampers for a Premier League football club and sourced a dog for a Manchester United player.

Winter is coming... and bringing the world's only permanent Game of Thrones Studio Tour to Northern Ireland.

Former cabinet ministers who remain in parliament earn an average of £162,000 on top of their MP salary from the private sector in their first year after leaving government, Sky News research has found.

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the evidence does not yet justify stricter COVID-19 measures in England, both Scotland and Wales have announced new rule changes.

The number of dead after powerful Typhoon Rai hit the Philippines has risen to at least 375, with 56 still missing and more than 500 injured, authorities have said.

Four men have denied conspiracy to murder over the shooting of a black equal rights campaigner.

Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber has revealed he is "absolutely devastated" after his West End production of Cinderella was forced to close until February next year.

"It's important if you are running a political party, which I did for almost eleven years and the country for six years, the process of communicating is incredibly important."

A Madagascan government minister said he swam for 12 hours after his helicopter crashed at sea during a rescue mission for a ship that sunk, killing at least 68 people.

The self-isolation period for people who contracted COVID in England will be cut from 10 days to seven for those who can produce negative lateral flow results on both day six and their final day of quarantine.


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