Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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The scrapping of pre-departure coronavirus testing for people returning to England has resulted in a leap in interest in international travel, companies have reported.

Britney Spears' sister Jamie Lynn is releasing a memoir later in January, entitled Things I Should Have Said.

The age of your home is the single biggest factor in how much heat it leaks or energy it consumes, according to new research.

Boris Johnson has offered a "humble and sincere apology" for failing to disclose WhatsApp messages with a Tory peer in which he discussed the controversial funding of his Downing Street flat refurbishment - and blamed getting a new phone for not declaring the conversation.

An MP has called for virtual parliamentary proceedings to be brought back, claiming that 50 members are stuck at home due to COVID and unable to represent their constituents.

Dogs can distinguish between languages when listening to people speak, researchers have found.

Novak Djokovic sparked outrage this week when he revealed he was being exempted from COVID vaccination rules to play in the Australian Open.

Any incursion into Ukraine by Russia would be a "massive strategic mistake" that would "come at a severe cost" to Moscow, the foreign secretary has told MPs.

A person in the South West of England has been confirmed as having contracted bird flu, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has said.

Novak Djokovic will have to wait until Monday to discover whether he can play in the Australian Open after being denied entry to the country over COVID vaccination rules.


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