Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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"Annus horribilis" is how the Queen described 1992 - her children's complicated love lives and a fire at Windsor Castle bringing an unexpected public display of exasperation.

A number of new Nightingale "surge hubs" are to be set up around England as the NHS goes on a "war footing" in preparation for a wave of Omicron hospital admissions.

Accusers, family members and lawyers are among those who have reacted to Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction,

Four women gave evidence against Ghislaine Maxwell during her trial in New York.

When Ghislaine Maxwell faced the cameras in November 1991, from the deck of a yacht named in her honour, she spoke in memory of a man whose wealth and success had collapsed into disgrace and shame.

Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty of recruiting underage girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein.

Police have appealed for information after an anti-vaccine demonstration took place at a COVID testing centre in Milton Keynes.

England head coach Chris Silverwood will miss the fourth Ashes Test after a family member tested positive for Covid-19.

During the festive period, thousands of seriously ill children will find themselves in hospital, away from home and sometimes separated from family.

Labour has written to Michael Gove to ask why his department reportedly supported an award of £330,000 from a government fund for a bid to fill potholes on a former Conservative peer's driveway.


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