Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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There are calls for Prince Andrew to lose his police protection and his dukedom while he awaits a civil trial accused of sexual assault.

He might have been better known for marshalling the right flank during his football career, but former England defender Gary Neville has crossed to the left in politics by joining the Labour Party.

A knife-wielding man randomly attacked five people in Manchester's Arndale shopping centre, a court has heard.

A London woman was fined £12,000 for hosting a party last year just a day after two gatherings were held in Downing Street, it has emerged.

Energy company E.ON says it is "incredibly sorry" after it sent customers pairs of socks to help them keep their "heating down".

One of the heads of the government's COVID-19 taskforce held an office leaving bash at a time when indoor socialising was banned, it has been revealed.

A man has been arrested after his elderly mother unknowingly served cannabis brownies during a card game at her senior centre.

One of the heads of the government's COVID-19 taskforce held an office leaving bash at a time when indoor socialising was banned, it has been revealed.

The murder of primary school teacher Ashling Murphy has "united the nation in solidarity and revulsion", Ireland's prime minister has said.

SA Brain, one of Wales's most prominent brewers, is to sell the freeholds to scores of its pubs to a consortium that includes a global private equity powerhouse - the latest in a string of significant deals in the sector.


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