Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Flights have been suspended at Istanbul Airport after a massive snowstorm brought parts of the Eastern Mediterranean to a standstill - with thousands of people rescued in a "superhuman evacuation effort" after becoming stranded in their cars in Greece.

A black man spent almost a week in prison after US police mistook him for a suspect with the same name who is white and twice his age, a lawsuit says.

Nineteen people were "treated and assessed" at the scene after a double-decker bus crashed into a shop with flats above in east London.

Aston Villa have confirmed the signing of Jill Scott on loan from Manchester City until the end of the season.

A treasure trove of Beatles memorabilia, including handwritten song notes by Paul McCartney and clothes worn by John Lennon, is set to feature in a new auction - although the physical items won't exchange hands.

Almost two dozen crew members on an Australian military ship delivering much-needed aid to Tonga have tested positive for coronavirus, officials have said.

Alec Baldwin's lawyers have appealed for a lawsuit brought against the actor over the fatal shooting on the set of his film, Rust, to be thrown out.

A burglar has been jailed for almost four years after leaving a single cigarette butt at the scene of the crime.

Nineteen people were injured after a double-decker bus crashed into a shop with flats above in east London.

The Metropolitan Police has launched an investigation into "a number of events" in Downing Street and Whitehall over potential breaches of coronavirus regulations.


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