Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Liverpool's deal to sign Fulham forward Fabio Carvalho and loan the teenager back to the Championship leaders until the end of the season is in the balance.

A US judge has asked for Prince Andrew's former assistant, Robert Olney, to give evidence as part of the civil sex assault case brought by the duke's accuser Virginia Giuffre.

Police have been granted further time to question Mason Greenwood after he was arrested on suspicion of rape and assault.

A man has been accused of sending a "grossly offensive" tweet in which he claimed "the only good Brit soldier is a deed one" the day after fundraising hero Captain Sir Tom Moore died.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who gave a statement in the House of Commons about Russia earlier today, says she has tested positive for COVID-19.

Liverpool are still pushing to sign forward Fabio Carvalho from Fulham, who are driving a hard bargain on Deadline Day.

A former boss of one of Britain's most prominent consumer groups is to lead the City watchdog, the latest in a string of Britain's economic regulators to be left under temporary leadership.

Take back control: that was obviously Boris Johnson's aim in this marathon two-hour Commons statement on the Sue Gray report.

Health secretary Sajid Javid has announced a review will be launched over plans to make COVID vaccinations mandatory for NHS staff.

The health secretary says a review will be launched into plans for mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for NHS staff.


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