Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Eight contenders in the race to replace Boris Johnson. But it was a day defined by one particular run-off in the competition: the tussle between frontrunner Rishi Sunak and the "Stop Rishi" campaign.

Eight contenders in the race to replace Boris Johnson. But it was a day defined by one particular run-off in the competition: the tussle between frontrunner Rishi Sunak and the "Stop Rishi" campaign.

Standing in the forested hills north of Lisbon feels like standing in an oven.

Standing in the forested hills north of Lisbon feels like standing in an oven.

More than 100 firefighters are tackling a "challenging" blaze at a pub in Trafalgar Square in central London.

The head of the World Health Organisaton (WHO) has urged governments across the world to deploy measures like masking and improved ventilation amid unacceptably high numbers of deaths.

Genetically modified pig hearts have been transplanted into humans in a breakthrough that could pave the way for more trials and tackle an organ shortage facing doctors.

David Roberts, the former Nationwide chairman, has emerged as a leading candidate to head the Bank of England's oversight board - a crucial role as it battles to combat the runaway inflation that threatens to tip Britain into recession.

In a community kitchen in the backstreets of Colombo, volunteers prepare 250 meals every day for people struggling to survive Sri Lanka's worse economic crisis since gaining independence in 1948.

Genetically modified pig hearts have been transplanted into humans in a breakthrough that could pave the way for more trials and tackle an organ shortage facing doctors.


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