Major improvement works costing £115,000 are due to begin next week on the road between Beeford and Skipsea.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is to carry out resurfacing work on the B1249 road starting on Tuesday 16 August.

The scheme is expected to take nine days to complete, with work being carried out on week days.

The council will resurface three sections along the B1249 - next to Crow Grange near Beeford, through Skipsea Brough, and then next to All Saints Church, Skipsea.

Pre-surface dressing patching work will also be carried out along the road.

Due to its narrow width, the road will be closed to through-traffic during the scheme, to keep road staff and vehicles safe.

To keep disruption for residents and road users to a minimum, the improvements are planned to take place between the restricted hours of 9.30am and 3.30pm each day.

A signed diversion will be in place along the A165, Bridlington Road and B1242 via the junction at Lissett.

Access to the working area will only be permitted to residents, business owners, emergency services and for bin collections and postal services.

This work is to be carried out by the council’s own road maintenance team.

Councillor Chris Matthews, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and climate change said: “We’d like to thank local residents and road users in advance for their patience while these scheme are carried out.

“This work is necessary and the road will be in a much improved state when it’s completed.”