Swimming pools and leisure centres in the East Riding have been awarded almost £500,000 from the Government's £60million Swimming Pool Support Fund.

After a successful application to Sport England, East Riding of Yorkshire Council has been awarded £498,337 to help keep swimming pools open amid increased

operating costs.

The main award of £490,000 will support four council-run leisure centres in:

  • Bridlington (£200,000)
  • Hornsea (£92,500)
  • Withernsea (£72,500)
  • Goole (£125,000)

The council has also worked closely with Stamford Bridge Community Pool, which was included in the application and will also receive funding of £8,337.

Councillor Nick Coultish, cabinet member for culture, leisure and tourism, said: "Swimming is sport, a leisure activity and a vital life skill that provides health and well-being benefits for people of all ages.

"This funding will go a long way in ensuring our leisure centres can continue to provide all the services our residents enjoy, and we're delighted to able to help Stamford Bridge Community Pool too."

The £60million Swimming Pool Support Fund was announced in March to support facilities with swimming pools. The first £20million has been allocated to 196 swimming pools and leisure centres most at risk of closure or significant service reduction.

The Government said the money will support more than 23 million swims a year collectively, meaning millions of people across the country will have the chance to stay fit and healthy, contributing to the Government's aim to cut obesity rates and get millions more people active.

Sports Minister Stuart Andrew said: "Leisure centres and pools are vital for millions of people to stay fit and healthy, and we know that many public swimming pools are experiencing greater pressure due to increased operating costs.

"We have heard their concerns and have stepped in to help them make ends meet with £20million immediate relief, and a further £40million to help improve sustainability of public swimming pools over the long term.

"This is part of our support for grassroots sports facilities with more than £400million in order to achieve our ambitious target of getting 3.5million more people active by 2030."

The Government will announce the recipients of a further £40 million in the coming months.