Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Michael Gove has refused to deny that free lateral flow tests could be phased out in the coming weeks, less than 24 hours after another minister told Sky News the government would "absolutely not" charge for the devices.

A week of high-stakes diplomacy lies ahead that could end in invasion and war - or compromise and an easing of tensions. 

Aldi says it enjoyed a record Christmas with sales boosted by "half a million new shoppers in December" as the wider grocery sector gears up for a tougher year as household budgets are squeezed by surging inflation.

The Las Vegas Raiders clinched the final playoff spot in the AFC, and in turn knocked out the Los Angeles Chargers, as they emerged 35-32 winners in an incredible Sunday Night Football clash that went to overtime.

Jose Mourinho did not hold back in criticising his Roma team after they blew a 3-1 lead to lose 4-3 to Juventus, accusing players of being "weak" and "lacking personality".

Mikel Arteta said Arsenal needed to apologise after a below-par performance led to a third-round FA Cup defeat to Nottingham Forest.

There were no celebs and no broadcast, but the Golden Globes still went ahead this year, albeit in private.

Power Of The Dog, West Side Story and Succession are among the big winners at this year's Golden Globes - but the 2022 event was a very different affair to usual, held in private without celebrities following controversy over the diversity of its membership.

Former England footballer Ian Wright has linked funding cuts to youth centres to "lives being wasted" at an anti-knife crime initiative launched by Arsenal Football Club.


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