Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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One of the survivors of the 2015 Berkeley balcony collapse, Aoife Beary, has died at the age of 27.

Doctors and nurses working in hospices across the UK are calling on the government to provide more funding to ensure they can continue providing critical care.

A confidential settlement between Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Giuffre, which could be key to a legal case involving Prince Andrew, is set to be made public today.

Schools have been advised by ministers to start preparing for COVID staff shortages by merging classes into larger groups and considering "flexible" teaching options.

World-renowned conservationist and fossil hunter Richard Leakey, whose discoveries helped prove humankind evolved in Africa, has died at the age of 77.

Search teams are looking for two missing people in the snow-covered debris of devastating wildfires that ripped through parts of Colorado.

Ben Stokes has distanced himself from the role of England captain, insisting Joe Root and head coach Chris Silverwood maintain the full support of the team following their defeat to Australia in The Ashes.

A yellow weather warning for thunderstorms in the south of England has now expired.

Brentford FC says a supporter has been arrested for allegedly using racist and homophobic language towards a Manchester City player during Wednesday's game.

A life-saving defibrillator that was stolen from an ambulance service at the scene of an incident has been returned thanks to a social media appeal.


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