Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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Supermarket chains Sainsbury's and Waitrose will be asking people to continue to wear a face covering in their stores when restrictions ease in England on Thursday.

A walker who was rescued from the side of a steep and crumbling cliff was a "finger's grip" away from plunging to almost certain death, according to the coastguard.

Boris Johnson is still yet to receive Sue Gray's report into lockdown parties in Downing Street as the chances of the findings being made public today dwindle.

Part of an old SpaceX rocket is predicted to crash into the moon in March, according to experts.

American citizens in Ukraine are being urged to consider leaving because of the "increased threat of Russian military action".

You wouldn't have known it from Cressida Dick's cool performance in front of her political interrogators, but she has been dragged reluctantly, if not kicking and screaming, into launching the Number 10 party investigation.

Morrissey has written an open letter to Johnny Marr asking his former bandmate to stop talking about him in interviews.

A leading challenger bank and the world's biggest bond fund manager are among the parties vying to carve up Kensington, the specialist mortgage lender.

More than a third of the British public blame energy company 'profiteering' for the gas crisis, according to a new poll by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit think tank provided exclusively to Sky News.

A musician accused of the murder of teenager Bobbi-Anne McLeod will face trial later this year.


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