Seaside FM

Seaside FM

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People in England who test positive on lateral flows will no longer need a follow-up PCR to begin their isolation period if they do not have symptoms, the UK Health Security Agency has confirmed.

Shoppers' monthly grocery bills were nearly £15 higher in December than a year earlier according to industry data - adding to evidence of growing pressure on the cost of living over Christmas.

A juror in the sex-trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell has called Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice a "predator" and described his own sexual abuse ordeal.

French President Emmanuel Macron said he wants to "p*** off" people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 - and warned he plans to make life harder for those who refuse to get jabbed.

Hong Kong has banned flights from the UK for two weeks over fears of a fifth wave of COVID-19 infections.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has tested positive for coronavirus, a party spokesman has said.

A local authority-backed energy supplier with 170,000 customers faces collapsing within weeks as a last-ditch search for new funding nears its end.

Novak Djokovic will be "on the next plane home" if he is unable to provide "acceptable proof" for a COVID vaccination exemption to play at the Australian Open, the country's prime minister has warned.

A utility company's power cables sparked last summer's lethal Dixie Fire in California, which swept through five counties and destroyed more than 1,300 homes and other buildings, state officials have said.

Novak Djokovic will be "on the next plane home" if he is unable to provide "acceptable proof" for a COVID vaccination exemption to play at the Australian Open, the country's prime minister has warned.


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