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East Riding of Yorkshire Council launch Unpaid Carers Survey

To help deliver the support needed by unpaid carers in the East Riding, the council would like to hear about the experiences, needs and views on the services available, received or needed by unpaid carers.  

The feedback will help to inform the new unpaid carers strategy, to shape and deliver the best services and outcomes for unpaid carers and the people they care for.

It is estimated that there are over 46,000 unpaid carers in the East Riding. 4,000 carers are receiving support through the Carers Support Service.

An unpaid carer is someone who provides care and support to a family member, partner, friend or neighbour who cannot manage without their help due to illness, disability, mental health or addiction. This care is not part of paid employment and is often provided out of personal commitment or love. Unpaid carers can be of any age and may juggle caregiving with work, study, or other commitments and responsibilities.

Councillor David Tucker, portfolio holder for adults, health and care said: “Carers do an amazing job, but the responsibilities can be physically and emotionally demanding. We want to ensure that those who care for loved ones have the support that they need to help them in their caring role. There are lots of carers who aren’t receiving support, so this survey is an opportunity for carers to highlight what support would help them, to ensure a good quality of life for those who are supporting others.”

Elaine Holtby, East Riding Carers Support Service Manager said: “We appreciate the important role unpaid carers play in the lives of the people they care for, and we take our responsibilities to support carers seriously. If you are aged 18 or over and provide regular, unpaid help to someone close to you, we may be able to help you manage your caring responsibilities and look after your own needs.”

The survey is open until the 26th May. All feedback is anonymous and asks about wellbeing and independence, having information when it’s needed, family, friends and connections and staying in control.

You can tell them about your experiences, needs and views via the online survey here: eryc.link/unpaidcarerssurvey 

Carers can request a paper version via: ercarers@eastriding.gov.uk or telephone: 01482 396500 or 0800 918 6844 or call into the Carers Support Service at Cross Street, Beverley HU17 9BA.

More information and support is also available at: www.yourlifeyourway.uk including how to contact the Carers Support Service, access to the latest copy of the ‘We Care’ newsletter and information about carer breaks.

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